Saturday, February 25, 2012

Soccer Season Begins

Marshel and Kellee are in the middle of soccer season.  Their teams are doing really well so far and Marshel and Kellee are learning all the rules and strategies of playing the game.
 This is Kellee after she noticed I was taking her picture - insert your own quote.

Running after the ball.

Time to kick!

She liked throwing the ball back in after an out of bounds.

Marshel was great at watching and anticipating where the ball was going.

Playing goalie - he was pretty good at it.

Kicking it to his team.

I love this shot of him kicking.

Our Girls Trip to NAU

It's time to start checking out colleges.  Rachel and Kirsten and I drove to Flagstaff, Arizona Friday the 17th of February.  It's about a 2 hour drive and we sang and laughed all the way there. 

 When we arrived, we checked into our hotel and then went to find food.  We introduced Kirsten to Chipotle's.  Yummy!  Then the girls were trying to touch their tongues to their noses.  Rachel wins!  It's scary what she can do with her tongue.

After a good nights sleep, and a decent breakfast at the hotel, we headed to NAU (Northern Arizona University).  I checked in both girls and then we went exploring.  First off, they met the Lumberjack.  Then we made the rounds visiting many different booths and learning about the school.

The girls then divided into groups of their majors.  After just a few minutes of learning about Dental Hygiene school, Rachel decided that really wasn't for her.  She is now considering Elementary Education, maybe Special Ed as well.  It was a good day and they loved seeing what college life is like.

As we headed home, the girls crashed while Mom drove.  It was a good day, full of good information.

Rachel - Spirit Convention

Rachel was invited to attend the Spirit Convention with her Student Council group.  More details to come when Rachel helps me update this.  Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The end of Cheer for the year - Last game

Fitting end to the basketball season!  Love the exclamation point on the end!

Rachel loves to perform at the games. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Marshel - Pinewood Derby

Let's start off this story with the fact that Marshel and Kellee could play cars all day.  They each have their own cars and know which ones are theirs.  They even trade cars back and forth.  It's one of their favorite activities.  So, when the Pinewood Derby comes along every year, Marshel is ready to get started.

Marshel waits at the finish line to see how his car does.

All the cars lined up, ready to race.

Marshel with his car - the Police Car.

Watching for his name to come up on the board.

Lining up his car.

The cheerleaders - they were so cute, especially the one to the right.  Notice her mis-matched clothes - although this is not out of the ordinary for her, today was mis-match day at school, so she gets a pass.

Marshel's car was voted Most Artistic.

A day in the life of the dogs

Sophie has found her hiding place - under the dog bed.

It drives Snickers crazy trying to get to her.  We just laugh the whole time.

Sophie also has the strangest places to sleep. 
1.  Smashed between Kellee and the couch.  Love the little pink feet.

2.  In the laundry basket - yes on the clean clothes - grrr!

3.  In between my  legs (only when there's a blanket).

4.  Curled up next to Snickers - now that Snickers allows it.

Rachel likes to help Sophie get exercise by using the laser light.

Another sleeping shot - rolled right off the dog bed and didn't wake up.